We love when we get the chance to work with someone who has a challenging cover and knows exactly what they want, down to the placement of the stitching.
We got to work with Boat Yard Studios to cover a table he built for his client. He knew exactly where he wanted the top stitch, what color, and even provided the template with the design drawn on it. He wanted something that would last and last so we went with Precontraint 502 with a PTFE Thread so he never had to worry about any issues in the next 10 plus years.
They picked a unique color combination that at first, I thought was crazy. As we started to put the pieces together, I could see I was wrong. Letting the artist pick the colors is a good idea!
Amanda enjoyed putting the stripes throughout the whole cover, just ask her! I would say she learned something new and added some extra know-how to her already valuable set of skills.
- Pick The Right Fabricator For Your Boat Cover - April 1, 2024
- What Cover Do I Need? - August 4, 2022
- Keepin’ That Tower Clean – The Art That Is A Tower Boot - May 24, 2022